HOW TO GET LOW (in your squat)

A lot of people have a real tough time finishing their squat.  So naturally we sacrifice quality (depth) with quantity (compensations), like picking up the heels and shooting the knees forward, among others.  Over time, the anterior chain (tib ant and quads) over facilitate, making it difficult to finish the squat.  We want to introduce a simple exercise that helps retrain a better movement pattern and allows the body to feel more comfortable in a deeper squat position.  

Before: notice the hips do not drop below 90degr. Also notice the knees in line with toes.

Corrective exer: Hip Hinge-Toe Touch Squat:
1. Reach towards your toes, assume the twerk position. Please hold back your strong desire to twerk however. Have a stool, trash can, 1.5 pood kettle bell, med ball to push firmly into/ squeeze.
2.  Sit the hips down, keep chest up. a chair or stool or med ball underneath the hips will help facilitate further cueing to sit down.
3. Raise arms,hold and rise back up

After: Only 5 reps per performed today ( and in tight khakis none the less). Notice now that the hips and thighs have been lowered to 90degr/ parallel to the ground. Further, the knees are posterior translated from before and our behind the toes. 

why it works/rationale:
1. Working in reverse.  When you begin in the lowered position and get the patient down with a different strategy the neuromuscular system won't apply the brakes that it usually wants to during the descent.  Blocking the muscular tension in the thighs, which has been built over years of sitting,etc. will allow the muscle to accept the correct position required naturally.  Positions that used to be natural to us...
2. Promotes Hip Hinge. The patient will have a natural posterior weight shift with this exercise. This allows them to learn to differentiate the hips from the knees that want to shoot forward.  

Prescription: test, 5-10reps, retest.  

See a change?  get excited and go tell your friends!